Literatur und Links
Ausbildungsziel des Praktischen Jahres
Organisation des Praktischen Jahres
Rechte und Pflichten
Betreuung und Aufsicht
- Kadmon M, Ganschow P, Gillen S (2013) Der kompetente Chirurg. Chirurg 84(10):859-868
- ten Cate O (2013) Nuts and Bolts of Entrustable Professional Activities. J Grad Med Educ 5(1):157-15
Umgang mit Patienten
- Lehmann LS, Brancati FL, Chen M et al. (1997) The effect of bedside case presentations on patients´perceptions of their medical care. N Engl J Med 336:1150‑55
- Lake F, Ryan G (2004) Teaching on the run Tips 4: teaching with patients. Med J Aust 181(3):158‑9
- Rogers HD, Carline JD, Paauw DS (2003) Examination room presentations in general internal medizince clinic: patients´ and students´perceptions. Acad Med 78:945‑9
Grundlagen der Pädagogik/Didaktik
Rollen eines Mediziners
- Nationaler Kompetenzbasierter Lernzielkatalog Medizin (NKLM)
- Kanadisches Rollenmodell (CanMEDS Physician Competency Framework CanMed)
- Weinert FE (2001a). Concept of competence: a conceptual clarification. In Rychen DS, Salganik LH (Hrsg.) Defining and selecting key competencies). Hogrefe & Huber Publishers Seattle. S. 45-65
- Weinert FE (Hrsg.) (2001b) Leistungsmessung in Schulen. Beltz Weinheim
- Klieme E (2004) Begründung, Implementation und Wirkung von Bildungsstandards: Aktuelle Diskussionslinien und empirische Befunde. Zeitschrift für Pädagogik 50 (5), 625-634
- Epstein RM, Hundred EM (2002) Defining and Assessing Professional Competence. JAMA 287(2):226-35
- Miller GE (1990) The Assessment of Clinical Skills/Competence/Performance. AcadMed 65: 63‐77h
- Schmidt HG, Moust JHC (2000) Towards a taxonomy of problems used in problem‐based learning curricula. Journal for Excellence in College Teaching 11(2): 57‐72
- Scottish Deans’ Medical Curriculum Group (2009) The Scottish doctor: Learning outcomes for the medical undergraduate in Scotland: A foundation for competent and reflective practitioners. 3rd Edition, 2009. Edinburgh: SDMCG.
- Med. Fakultätentag, GMA Nationaler Kompetenzbasierter Lernzielkatalog Medizin (NKLM) 23.05.2013
Vorbild im klinischen Alltag
- Wright S, Wong A, Newill C (1997) The Impact of Role Models on Medical Students. Journal of General Internal Medicine 12 (1): 53-56
- Wright SM, Carrese JA (2002) Excellence in Role Modeling: Insight and Perspectives from the Pros. CMAJ 167(6): 638-643
- Passi V, Johnson S, Peile E, Wright S, Hafferty F, Johnson N (2013) Doctor role modeling in medical education: BEME Guide No. 27, Medical Teacher 35:e1422-e1436
- Reed DA, West CP, Mueller PS, Ficalora RD, Engstler GJ, Beckman TJ (2008) Behaviors of Highly Professional Resident Physicians. JAMA 300(11):1326-1333
- Lesser CS, Lucey CR, Egener B, Braddock CH, Linas SL, Levinson W (2010) A Behavioral and Systems View of Professionalism. 304(24):2732-7
- Mueller PS (2009) Incorporating Professionalism into Medical Education: The Mayo Clinic Experience. Keio J Med 58(3):133-143
- Hibbeler B (2011) Zwischen Samaritertum und Ökonomie: Was ist ein "guter Arzt"? Dtsch Arztebl 2011; 108(51-52): A-2758 / B-2302 / C-2270
- Stern DT (2003) Can Professionalism be taught? Virtual Mentor 5(12)
- Wright S, Kern D, Kolodner K, Howard D, Brancati F (1998) Attributes of Excellent Attending-Physician Role Models. N Engl J Med 339(27):1986-1993
- Yazigi A, Marwan N, Sleilaty G, Nemr E (2006) Clinical Teachers as Role Models: Perceptions of Interns and Residents in a Lebanese Medical School. Med Educ 40:654-661
- Teaching booklet of the University of British Columbia: Teaching Skills for Community Preceptor
Bedside-Teaching/Unterricht am Krankenbett
- Ask the Experts: Ten Tips for Effective Bedside Teaching.
- QM Team Med. Fakultät Heidelberg. Bedside Teaching (BT) – gekonnt anleiten.
- Ramani S (2003) Twelve tips to improve bedside teaching. Med Teach 25(2):112-5
- Birden (2013) Teaching professionalism in medical education: a Best Evidence Medical Education (BEME) systematic review. BEME Guide No. 25, Med Teach 35(7):e1252-66
- Hofer et al. 2013: Lehrstrategien. Lehrveranstaltungsformate und Lehrmethoden
One Minute Preceptor
- Ramani S, Leinster S (2008) AMEE Guide no. 34: Teaching in the clinical environment, Med Teach 30(4):347-64
- Neher JO, Gordon KC, Meyer B, Stevens N (1992) A five-step "microskills" model of clinical teaching. J Am Board Fam Pract 5(4):419-24
- Neher JO, Stevens NG (2003) The One-minute preceptor: Shaping the Teaching Conversation. FamMed 35(6):391-3
- Riddle JM (2010) Teaching clinical skills. In: Jeffries WB, Huggett KN (Hrsg) An Introduction to Medical Teaching. Springer Dordrecht Heidelberg London New York. S. 65-78
- Wolpaw TM, Wolpaw DR, Papp KK (2003). SNAPPS: a learner-centered model for outpatient education. Acad Med 78(9):893-898
- Practical Doc. Teaching. SNAPPS
Erweiterung des klinischen Wissens
Exploratives Fragen
- Santrock JW (2011) Educational Psychology. 5th Edition McGrawHill New York, S.408-9
- Practical Doc. Teaching. Effective Questioning
- Lake F, Ryan G (2004) Teaching on the run Tips 7: effective use of questions. Med J Aust 182(3):126-127
- Smith R (2003) Thoughts for new medical students at a new medical school. BMJ 327:1430‑33
Playing Cards
Lernen aus Fehlern
- Aktionsbündnis Patientensicherheit e.V.(2008) Aus Fehlern lernen
- Dror I (2013) Patient safetey. In: Dent JA, Harden RM (Hrsg) A practiacal guide for medical teachers. 4. Aufl. Churchill Livingstone, London. S. 276-281
Training praktischer Fertigkeiten
- Walker M, Peyton JWR: Teaching in the theatre. In: Teaching and learning in medical practice. Edited by Peyton JWR. Rickmansworth: Manticore Publishers Europe Ltd; 1998:171-180.
- Amin Z, Seng CY, Eng KH (2006) Practical Guide to Medical Student Assessment: 65, World Scientific Publishing Co. Pte. Ltd., Singapore
- Rodgers KG, Mainfold C (2002) 360-degree feedback: possibilities for assessment of the ACGME core competencies for emergency medicine residents. Acad Emerg Med. 9(11):1300-4
Arbeitsplatzbasierte Rückmeldungen
Clinical Encounter Cards
- Paukert JL, Richards ML, Olney C (2002) An encounter card system for increasing feedback to students. Am J Surg 183:300–304
- Greenberg LW (2004) Medical students' perceptions of feedback in a busy ambulatory setting: a descriptive study using a clinical encounter card. South Med J 97:1174-1178
- Richards ML, Paukert JL, Downing SM, Bordage G (2007) Reliability and usefulness of clinical encounter cards for a third-year surgical clerkship. J Surg Res 140(1):139-48
- Ozuah PO, Reznik M, Greenberg L (2007) Improving Medical Student Feedback With a Clinical Encounter Card. Ambul Pediatr 7(6):449-452
- Society of Teachers of Family Medicine. Clinical Encounter Card
Direct Observation of Procedural Skills (DOPS)
- NHS Highland. Foundationi Learning Portfolio 2005
- Amin Z, Seng CY, Eng KH (2006) Practical Guide to Medical Student Assessment. World Scientific Publishing Co. Pte. Ltd, Singapore
- The Royal Australasian College of Physicians. Direct Observation of Procedural Skills
- Barton JR, Corbett S, van der Vleuten CP et al (2012) The validity and reliability of a Direct Observation of Procedural Skills assessment tool: assessing colonoscopic skills of senior endoscopists. Gastrointest Endosc 75(3):591-7
Mini-Clinical Evaluation Exercise (Mini-CEX)